Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is spring about to spring?

Another thing to add to the list of things I never thought of before I moved to a snowy place: Too much snow on a roof can make it collapse! Fortunately D knows about these things. The roof on the main part of the house is steep enough that it isn't a problem, but we (well, D) had to shovel the snow off the shop and the addition at the back of the house. These pics are from a few weeks ago.

So for the past 2 days, the temperature has been above freezing, and this has led me to declare that winter is ending and spring is coming. Because I said so. I haven't actually said this out loud to any one who lives here because I don't want people to laugh in my face and shatter my hopes. So until I am proven wrong, I declare that spring is on its way. Since the snow has been melting like crazy, I went out this morning to document the accumulation of snow before it all disappears.

I tried to use Nova beside the snow banks at the end of the driveway to give it some perspective, but clearly I know nothing about photography.


The giant snow banks that have built up at the end of the driveway are taller than my car. When I back out of the driveway in the morning, I mostly just hope that no one is coming because I really can't see anything. There is rain in the forecast for the next few days, so perhaps the snow will all wash away most of the snowbanks so that I don't have to risk my life every time I leave my house.