Saturday, February 5, 2011


I thought it might be appropriate to post some pictures of the snow in Sackville since everyone in Austin is freaking out about the inch of snow they received Thursday night. These pictures were taken last week. We got an additional foot of snow this week, so it is even higher now, but I am too lazy to go out in the cold and take more pictures.

D and Nova in the snow

Nova balancing precariously on a snow bank, trying not to fall through

Front of the house

Closer view of the icicles
I must say that my first real Canadian winter hasn't been so bad. I am actually enjoying all the snow. That being said, I am still very excited for my trip to the desert next week. Arizona, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. We had more snow after this, but I failed to take a picture of the full depth.
