Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Relaxing on the island

I know this blog is supposed to be about my adventures on the east coast, but my visits to the west coast were so delightful that I have to share about the west coast again. Specifically visiting my aunt on Vancouver Island. I got to see so many people I love while I was home, which was amazing but being on the island is always my favorite part of visiting. Especially when Sharon comes along.

First of all there is the view from the ferry. I was so overwhelmed by how beautiful it was even though I have taken this ferry ride many, many times. I guess usually it is in the winter when I go over or it is raining or something because I don't remember being this awed on past voyages. I kept thinking that I could use these pictures to lure my American friends to Vancouver for a visit. (Is it working yet?)

Then there is the view from my aunt's house:

In addition to the awesome views, we also get wildlife. Squirrels, raccoons, and deer. Now normally I am afraid of deer, thanks to my former labmate who managed to help me view these docile creatures as evil killing machines. Sharon is also afraid of deer, so we tried to do therapeutic exposures (from afar) during our trip.

We watched one attempt to eat a tomato. (You can't really hear it, but someone calls the deer a dumbass during the filming . You can hear me comment on it, though.)

Deer eating a tomato from LDH on Vimeo.

Then the next day we watched some fawns frolic and eat leaves. You can't hear it in the video, but the leaves are quite crunchy, so sharon started refering to them as deer chips. Crunch, crunch crunch. Nom, nom, nom.

Deer eating leaves from LDH on Vimeo.

Now I am back on the east coast, and my posts about east coast weirdness will resume. I just thought I would share my fabulous vacation and hope that it was successful in luring my non-Vancouver friends to Vancouver.

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