Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to the farm

*Sigh* I just got back from a really great trip to San Diego. It was so, so nice to be around friends and in a real city with real restaurants and bars and such. I think the trip shocked me out of my denial about the fact that I have moved out of Austin and now live in the middle of nowhere. I have been going along my merry way here in Sackville, pretending that my friends and the awesomeness of Austin were just hiding, and that I was just busy. Last night, when I got home and donned my rubber boots to take the dog for a potty break in my 2 acre yard, the contrast between life in the real world (San Diego) and life in Sackville really struck me.

I went from staying in a fancy 4-star hotel with this view:

To this:

But, I think the cuteness of the puppy makes up for the difference at least a bit:

Damn she's cute!

I realized when looking for pictures to add to this blog entry, that I only took 2 pictures the entire time I was in SD, and both were out the window of the hotel. I will have to get some from my lovely associate who took at least a couple more than I did.

I am also very happy to be headed to Vancouver very soon. Hopefully the extended exposure to a real city will help get it out of my system. Perhaps I will even get so angry at the traffic there that I will be relieved to head back to my little town.

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