Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hurricane/Tropical storm

Well it appears that I have survived my first real hurricane, or maybe not. I arrived in Texas right as Katrina was happening, but it was too far away from Austin to have much of an effect. Next came Rita and she was supposed to come right through Austin, but then ended up not coming anywhere near. The closest I have been before this, I guess, was Ike in 2008, which passed over Austin after it caused fairly severe damage in the Galveston and area along the gulf. It was downgraded quite a bit by the time it got to Austin.

Hurrican Earl was my 4th "almost hurricane." It appears that it was not actually a hurricane when it came to my part of the world. The news reports were up and down about whether it was a hurricane or a tropical storm. On Friday night it was declared that it would come inland in Sackville as a Category 1 hurricane. Overnight, it was downgraded to a tropical storm, but then it was upgraded to Category 1 again in the morning. It didn't end up hitting Sackville as directly as anticipated, and although it was windy and rainy, not much happened. In fact, I was taking a nap when it hit. I woke up, looked out the window at the sheets of rain blowing across the road, thought of videotaping it, but decided that napping was more important. So that explains the level of scariness of the storm. Pretty underwhelming overall, which is probably a good thing.  

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