Monday, October 11, 2010

A day of randomness

Saturday was a very random day filled with some New Brunswick randomness. Me and D headed to Amherst to do some shopping. We had both been lounging around in sloppy clothes and went and fancied ourselves up for the trip "to town." For D this meant changing from his tattered lumberjack coat into a hoodie. While in Amherst, it seemed like everyone we encountered had very strong east coast accents. I mean most people here say their "a"s like east coasters and have subtle hints of "oot" and "aboot," but these people had the full on accent. I was wondering if it was because it is Thanksgiving weekend and all the country-folk had come into town to be with their families.

On the way back from Amherst, we noticed a couple of overpasses with cars parked along them, which was weird. D figured they must be waiting for something to come down the highway. Right as he said that, we saw a bunch of flashing lights ahead and an entire convoy of big rig cabs covered in pink decorations. There were over 50 trucks all in a row (I stopped counting at 50), all driving down the Transcanada Highway with a police escort. Turns out we had driven right into the Convoy for a Cure.

Later in the evening, we decided to go to the truck stop restaurant in Aulac, which is the town next to us. People have been telling us about the truck stop restaurant and the Schnitzel Haus in Aulac since we have been here. I was hesitant to try the Schnitzel Haus, being a vegetarian and all, but I do love me a greasy spoon truck stop restaurant. While there, I ended up having their famous chocolate cake with boiled icing. I had only recently heard of boiled icing from a friend here, so I have decided that it must be a Maritime thing. Google has informed me that boiled icing is made by pouring hot sugar syrup over stiffly beaten egg whites. It basically is a slightly softer version of meringue. I had not googled boiled icing before I went there, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I wasn't expecting the piece of cake to be so huge, nor was I expecting there to be 2-3 inches of icing on top! This picture really doesn't do justice to the hugeness of this cake.

Normally I don't like frosting unless it is chocolate, but this was really good. It was much less sweet than normal cake frosting, which I liked, and it was beat so smoothly that it had a really  good, creamy texture. And because it was so huge, I got to eat the leftovers again the next day!

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