Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Journey Pt 4 - The Finale

The next two days of driving to get to Moncton/Sackville were fairly uneventful with the exception of sitting in traffic in Montreal for 90 minutes!! What a waste of my life! I have never had the pleasure of driving in Montreal before, so I didn't really know how bad it could get. I should have known, since everyone I have ever talked to about driving in Canada has told me that Montreal has the worst drivers and the worst traffic. It was only 3 pm, so we thought we would just miss rush hour. Fools! By my calculations on Google maps, the route we took was 44 km and should have taken about 30 mins. It was pure torture. On the positive side, it definitely made me happy that I was moving to a small town where there is no rush hour.

Quebec had some of the most interesting and unique road signs I have seen. Unfortunately, by the time I had figured out the wackiness of a sign, it was too late to find my camera. I was able to find a picture of my favorite sign on the internet, though (although now I can't find the source.) It means, "Watch out for strong crosswinds." I feel this could have been conveyed without using some weird Bigfoot-looking dude. Do the Quebecois really believe wind comes from a hairy monster?

We stayed in St. Apollinaire, which is near Quebec City. (A few days later I found out that my credit card had been duplicated, and I suspect that occurred at the hotel.) Even though we were on the other side of the St. Lawrence from Quebec City, the next morning we had to deal with a TON of traffic again both near Quebec and Levis. Not only do I loathe traffic, the van could not handle all the constant braking with all the weight it was towing.

As we got further towards the Gaspé Peninsula and closer to New Brunswick, the scenery became more and more hilly and green. The green of the hills and the blue of the sky and the water were so bright and vivid. It was beautiful. The van, however, loaded to the gills and pulling a uhaul that was also loaded to the gills did not like the hills as much as I did.

I really wanted a big, grand "Welcome to New Brunswick" sign that I could use for a picture commemorating my entrance to my new province. On the route we took, however, there was no big sign, unless I completely missed it. I was really looking for it though. Oh well, I decided to settle with this sign commemorating our arrival.

Except that we needed to spend a week in a motel in Moncton before we got to move into our new house. Bor-ing.

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