Monday, June 28, 2010

Moving Day!

Moving Day was officially June 15th, but I have been slow to get up to day on this here bloggy-blog. Now the moment you have all been waiting for, pictures of the new house!

But first, a story. On the big day, we rushed to check out of our hotel and head to Sackville. We were supposed to meet the realtor at 8:30 am for a walk through of the new house, and then await the official closing. We got there a bit late, and that was just the beginning of our annoyingly annoying day. After walking through the house, we were supposed to call the lawyer and let him know that everything was okay, and that he could start the closing process. I tried to do that, but when I called the lawyer's office, the phone was just dead. No ringing, no nothing. I called D's phone, and it worked just fine, so it seemed that something was up with the lawyer's phone. Fortunately it is a small town, so we just drove down there to see them in person. We handed over our certified check, told them everything looked good, and the lawyer's assistant said it should take about an hour for the mortgage money to be deposited into the account. We went to the bank to open an account, and then walked the dog around for a while. After about an hour and a half, the lawyer's assistant called to tell us that the money was still not there and that she had a call in to the mortgage company. Since we now knew it might take a while, we headed down to the local lake so Nova could play in the park. It was a really windy day, but the sky was mostly blue. It looked really cool down at the lake.

Also, Nova was kind of scared of the waves, which was funny.

Nova at the lake from LDH on Vimeo.

Soon it was after noon and the lawyer had originally said everything would be done by noon at the latest. I called over to the lawyer's office and was told that the computers at the mortgage company had gone down this morning, which is why they had not yet transferred the money. But don't worry, it will be sent right now!!

Because we had the dog with us (and that's a whole other story - we were supposed to drop her off at a friend's, but kind of forgot) we couldn't really go anywhere that involved being inside for too long. So aside from going to the lake, we spent most of the day sitting in the van in various parking lots around town. Tim Hortons was sort of our home base, but we also sat in the grocery store parking lot and the liquor store parking lot.

By 3:00, after 6 hours of waiting, we still hadn't heard anything, so I called the lawyer's office again. This time I was told that there seemed to be a problem with the wire transfer, so the assistant had called the bank to put a trace on it because it had been sent, but had never arrived (I am not really sure how these things work). So, more waiting.

Finally, at about 4:30, we got the call that we officially owned the house, and we could come pick up our keys! Thank Jeebus!

So, here are some pictures:

Master Bedroom (We do have actual sheets on the bed now, but this was the first day. Also, we had to saw off a piece of the boxspring to get it up the stairs):

Spare room (for all the visitors we hope to have):

My soon-to-be-awesome home office:

Stairs and hallway to the enclosed front porch (My camera doesn't do justice to the colour of the walls, which are lime green):

The front porch (soon to be populated with chairs):

The kitchen (complete with human dishwasher):

The living room (before we moved in because right now it is a disaster):

A bad picture of the dining room (I will post another when we get our new table):

Downstairs bathroom and mudroom (also taken before we moved in):

And Nova's favorite place (not including the 1.7 acre yard), the back deck:

Time to celebrate!

That last picture took about 5 takes to get. Clearly we are not gifted in the realm of self-portraits.