Sunday, July 25, 2010

Town events

I have decided to take a break from complaining about customer service in order to talk about some of the more fun stuff that goes on in Sackville. There are a surprising number of festivals and events throughout the summer, and I am trying to take advantage of them - especially the free stuff!

On Canada Day there were two different concert venues set up around town. During the day we went to the kiddie stage at Bandstand Park.

There was also a stage set up around the corner for night time, big people music, but we didn't last that long.

Right now the Festival by the Marsh is happening in and around Bandstand Park. We have gone down to a couple free music events, and meant to go down to see Much Ado About Nothing that has been playing almost every day, but I just realized right now that today is the last day. Whoops. Tonight we are going to the Campbell Carriage Factory Museum to see a concert and a movie - weather permitting. Lots of the Festival events are "pay what you can afford," which is nice.

Tomorrow is the beginning of OK Quoi? - an arts festival. I am planning on attending several of the movie events, and some other stuff as well. I like it because most things are free! At the end of the week is Sappyfest, an indie music festival. I was really hoping to be able to attend, but the cost may prevent that since I am pretty broke. There is always next year!

Overall I am pretty impressed with my little town.

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